The Physics of Consciousness and Its Implications for Human Health

“The distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however tenacious this illusion may be.”
– Albert Einstein, March 1955

The following represents my personal opinion
and is not intended as medical advice.

This article was quoted from and linked to in The New York Times (10/12/2018). The ideas have continued to evolve, and it did not feel right to add too much new information post-production. A new iteration may be found on Medium, “Special Relativity: The Key to Disease?

OOPS. We’ve had it backward. Time doesn’t flow like a river. Time already exists—it is we who flow through it. In a sense, you might say we shine.

This essay explores a simple idea: We’ve not yet solved the core etiology of mankind’s diseases because we’ve been blind to an essential truth: We are more than membranes and mitochondria. We are light, and we follow light’s rules.

When we see infectious microbes, or a tumor, we are observing reality. But what is the fabric of reality—the tapestry against which our observations take place—made of? Could it be made of light?

A tapestry made of light is another way of saying a holographic universe. At first glance, “holographic universe” has the whiff of science fiction, but it’s a serious idea—and one that has lately been gathering steam. The holographic principle was first proposed by Nobel laureate Gerard ‘t Hooft in the 1990s. In 2017, a UK, Canadian, and Italian study provided substantial evidence that the universe is, indeed, holographic.

In a holographic universe, perhaps we need to re-imagine light’s speed. For matter to be rendered as light requires c. For light to be rendered as light requires nothing. For energy to be rendered as light generates c.

Light is not “matter” (the 1D point). Nor is it “energy” (the 3D sphere). It is the 2D plane the point and the plane share. When the universe is expanding, the 1D point is the past. When the universe is contracting, the 1D point is the future.

We can see light that is behind us in time—the past. But we cannot see the future. We are blind to light that is ahead of us in time; we cannot see past the 2D plane.

The name we give the 2D plane can vary. If we make the moon represent light’s maximum density, the progression is moon, earth, sun. If we make the earth represent light’s maximum density, the progression is earth, sun, black hole. This model is not about the images our brains create; it is about the mathematical relationships behind the images. It is about scale.

It is a model about the observer and his limits. If the universe is like a glass of carbonated water, we can see the bubbles that are rising toward us—but not the bubbles we are, and not the bubbles we are rising toward.

Perhaps what we call reality is not fixed, like a painting. It has a speed, like a movie. This model explores a possible role for the speed of time in disease, and asks whether the brain—which is itself part of time—can be an accurate gauge of time’s speed.

When we cycle time too quickly—at the speed of the past—we call it Parkinson’s. Michael J. Fox needs to get back to the future. When we cycle time too slowly—at the speed of the future—we call it Lou Gehrig’s disease. Stephen Hawking, arguably the world’s greatest thinker on black holes, was cycling time at the speed of a black hole himself.

The puns are part of it. In this model, consciousness is structured like a language. (“In the beginning was the Word.”) Klee Irwin discusses the relationship between consciousness and language here.

Perhaps wellness has nothing to do with “killing” or “detoxing.” It has to do with one thing: synchronizing with time.

Here, time will be expressed as a density of light. The density of light I perceive in my environment will influence my porphyrins and how thick I make my blood. But the thickness of my blood will influence how dense I perceive light to be. So it’s tricky.

To have the proper thickness of blood is critical.

If my blood is too thick (too much vitamin K1), it’s okay, as long as time is too fast (too much serotonin). But if time is too fast, I have to compensate, by hypo-methylating. If I am hypo-methylating, I will have too much histamine.

If my blood is too thin (too much vitamin K2), it’s okay, as long as time is too slow (too much dopamine). But if time is too slow, I have to compensate, by hyper-methylating. If I am hyper-methylating, I will have too little histamine.

Because the body is in balance with itself, it is fruitless to fix one variable in isolation. If I have Parkinson’s, and you give me vitamin K2, it “helps”—but it perpetuates my need for too much dopamine. If you give me dopamine (or L-DOPA), it “helps”—but it perpetuates my need to keep my blood too thin.

Dopamine toxicity: Time is too slow; blood is too thin; hyper-methylation; too little histamine.

Serotonin toxicity: Time is too fast; blood is too thick; hypo-methylation; too much histamine.

If time is too slow, I have to methylate too quickly, to make up the difference.

If time is too fast, I have to methylate too slowly, to make up the difference.

The speed of time is not really negotiable. If I alter the speed of time, I have to make other alterations, as well.

To synchronize with time, we have to perceive it accurately. How can we perceive time if we are part of it? This model will argue that time is like a width of pipe, a degree of (vaso) dilation, that we must scale with. When we are narrower than the pipe, time is too fast. When we are wider than the pipe, time is too slow.

Time, here, is a proton gradient—an expression of relative density. In between light’s maximum density and light’s maximum speed, the equation is balanced. Beneath light’s maximum density, the proton gradient is too high inside the cell; reality is exploding. Above light’s maximum speed, the proton gradient is too high outside the cell; reality is collapsing. We need to learn to see the universe from light’s perspective. To read the powers of hydrogen.

Are we able to read pH accurately? In me, the perception of pH seems to vary, depending on the pH of the observer.

To a pineal gland that is denser than light, pH7 looks like—and, indeed, is—alkalosis (too much potassium and too much light).

To a pineal gland that is more diffuse than light, pH7 looks like—and, indeed, is—acidosis (too much sodium and too much matter).

Here is a theoretical shape for a universe: a cone of discs that decrease in size as they approach the center. At the center, light is so fast, time stands still (“hot death”). At the outermost ring, light is so slow, time stands still (“cold death”). In these models, the distance between "hot death" and "cold death" appears to be 27,729 (or roughly 70 x 360 plus 7 x 360) years.

I did a search for “cone comprised of overlapping circles of descending size,” hoping for a visual, and, curiously enough, the image that caught my eye was a drawing by Galileo Galilei of Dante’s Inferno.

Time as a stack of discs is an easy way for us to envision it, in 3-D. But, in reality, this would amount to a cross-section. If we think of the sun as the radiance that shines out from a sphere membrane, a black hole would be the radiance that shines in. Beneath the 2D plane, light explodes. Above the 2D plane, light condenses. The 2D plane itself is homeostasis.

When the brain misunderstands what time signature it’s in—when we read the speed of light incorrectly—our metabolism fights itself. The hallmarks of a body that keeps manufacturing ammonia when it’s already in alkalosis are swollen, baggy eyes and muscle-wasting. The effects are systemic and devastating: we lose the use of our minerals. Our minerals are present, but no longer available to us—a condition known as dysregulation. Look at a so-called “old” person; there’s evidence of mineral dysregulation everywhere: from the capped teeth and brittle bones (calcium dysregulation), to the age spots and white hair (copper dysregulation) to the diabetes and depression (zinc dysregulation). Oxidative stress makes our hair fall out; the faster time signature makes us gain weight (mass).

Once you recognize it, all our aging starts to look like stage makeup. It could be that we’re not meant to look this way when we’re eighty—maybe our lifespans are being dramatically truncated—who can say?

Isaiah, that’s who. “Never again will there be in it [the New Jerusalem] an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child; the one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed.” (Isaiah 65:20 NIV)

When we lag behind time (alkalosis), we make too little light. When we surpass time (acidosis), we make too much.

The relationship between light and time is one of paradox. Energy doesn’t go fast; it simply is fast. When we go fast, we make ourselves matter. Matter doesn’t go slow; it simply is slow. When we go slow, we make ourselves energy. Remember, in this model, “matter” and “energy” are both derivatives of light. Matter is the 1D point from which light expands; energy is the 3D sphere from which light condenses.

When time is too slow, light has to be too fast. When light is too fast, instead of gravity and electricity in the body, we get their material “precipitates”: iron and copper. Depending on how I perceive the relative density of light in my environment—whether it is denser or more diffuse than the light of my pineal gland—I can run my Krebs (energy) cycle in the forward or backward direction. When I run Krebs in reverse, I endogenously (internally) make oxalate—a crystal found in plants capable of photosynthesis. Instead of making light, I make light that is denser than light. I make matter.

Inside cells that accumulate iron or oxalate, after a while, a switch gets flipped. The DNA reads a high matter to energy (M/E) ratio, and syncs with the wrong time signature. Later, if they want to self-correct, they’re trapped by a pH paradox. Contrary to our perception, it’s not that they mutate; it’s that they don’t mutate. They’re still “making time,” but the character of the time they make is no longer in sync with the rest of us. They’re achieving the speed of light using an old equation. It’s still c, but it’s what c would be if we lived in a smaller, faster universe. Cancerous cells are healthy cells that are cycling time too quickly—at the speed of the past.

The DNA is our code, and it’s protean—designed to adapt to the changing dynamics of time. As it perceives its environment, it changes accordingly (epigenetics). This is why the environment—both inside and outside the body—is so important. The DNA is mutating all the time, but because the change is uniform—both self and lens—we don’t see it. What we perceive as a mutation is actually old DNA that hasn’t changed. DNA is like an architect’s tracing paper that maps light with matter. We only see a change when it doesn’t match.

If the DNA cannot accurately read what time signature it’s in, individual cells or organs—indeed, the entire organism—can be “left behind” in time, which is akin to being left behind in another dimension. Were we to observe a corpse from another dimension, it would appear to have numerous DNA mutations and be of deranged proportions, such as the Atacama skeleton.

Atacama is from a region of the world known as the South Atlantic Anomaly where the earth’s magnetic field may read differently to our brains.

Another dimension? Yes, another dimension. The same equation, at a different scale. Changing dimensions is like shifting gears. When we lag behind the speed of light (e.g. aging), we’re spinning too quickly inside a time signature that’s too slow. We are no longer “earth” (so to speak). Instead, like an ice skater pulling in for a twirl, we are “moon inside sun.”

In the opposite direction, when we surpass the speed of light (e.g. Autism), we’re spinning too slowly inside a time signature that’s too fast.

When we have too little intracellular sodium, the Na/K pump is too weak; our material body is too large and diffuse.

When we have too much intracellular sodium, the Na/K pump is too strong; our material body is too small and dense.

In these models, time is hidden the way movement is hidden when an actor paces left while the stage beneath him spins right. Scale is paramount. If the stage is too large, it spins too quickly; the actor has to sprint in order to be standing still (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?). If the stage is too small, it spins too slowly; the actor has to walk in slow motion in order to be standing still (Autism?). I make the stage too large when I set my brain pH as too alkaline. I make the stage too small when I set my brain pH as too acidic.

Once we accept that this may be a holographic universe, once we admit scale as a variable, we have a whole new way to look at disease. Do I properly locate light (the 2D plane) in the middle of the equation? (Does my circadian rhythm, my density continuum, stretch from moon to earth to sun?) If, mistakenly, I locate light (the 2D plane) at moon, my stage will be too small and my powers of hydrogen will be too alkaline. If, mistakenly, I locate light (the 2D plane) at sun, my stage will be too large and my powers of hydrogen will be too acidic.

When my powers of hydrogen are too low—when I am too acidic—I am forced to generate too little acid via metabolism. When my metabolism is constrained by an acidic terrain, it is as if time is a horse who is constantly being held back. If I am keeping my terrain too acidic, I may, in crisis, generate a little acid (lactic acid) by inducing a seizure. If my metabolism is too slow and my pH is too low, the two distortions will mask each other.

When my powers of hydrogen are too high—when I am too alkaline—I am forced to generate too much acid via metabolism. When my metabolism is hyper-accelerated, it is as if time is a horse who is constantly being forced to run at full speed. If I am keeping my terrain too alkaline, I may, in crisis, break down muscle to manufacture ammonia. If my metabolism is too fast and my pH is too high, the two distortions will mask each other.

We are being fooled—tricked, and trapped—by perception. When I am too fast, the world looks too cold (too alkaline), so I set my pH too alkaline—which requires me to go too fast.

When I am too slow, the world looks too hot (too acidic), so I set my pH too acidic—which requires me to go too slow.

In the latter, it is as if I am trapped above the speed of light lens. In the former, it is as if I am trapped below it.

We need to part the veil on pH and metabolism.

When I turned forty, I got sick with chronic illness that defied explanation. I felt as if I were dying, but they kept telling me nothing was wrong. I didn’t listen; I listened to my body instead.

I believe I was cycling time too quickly. My light kept precipitating out of solution, requiring me to cycle time even faster. I became iron-toxic—overly magnetic. My iron toxicity was “hidden,” meaning on blood work, my iron panel was normal—but my RBC manganese was low. In these models, what matters isn’t iron alone; it’s the iron to manganese ratio. Iron to manganese is a stand-in for gravity to electricity.

The 2D plane (light’s speed) is the baseline. When the universe expands by a full degree of light’s speed, to a 3D sphere, gravity emerges. When the universe contracts by a full degree of light’s speed, to a 1D point, electricity emerges.

When I read high iron (high magnetic force), I take the universe to be wider and more dilated than it really is. When I read high manganese (reverse magnetism), I take the universe to be smaller and more contracted than it really is.

It is unclear whether calcified minerals, such as iron or manganese, on the pineal gland might cause, be caused by—or both—the brain’s misinterpretaion of time. The pineal gland is a tiny crystal at the center of the brain dubbed “the seat of the soul” by René Descartes.

My mother has Alzheimer’s. It’s as if her software (her blood) knows she’s in the present, but her hardware (her brain) is stuck in the past (calcified iron on the pineal gland?). The “soft” or immaterial part of her consciousness—her light, her porphyrins, her blood—knows what time it is, but the “hard” or physical pineal gland itself seems to be not functioning properly. I have also wondered if the Alzheimer’s brain might have deranged pH, and be too alkaline.

Deranged pH can cause taurine wasting, which means loss of bile production hence loss of bioavailable fats, hence loss of lipid membrane integrity, meaning nutrients can’t get in, and waste can’t get out. If my cells and my nutrients are not the same scale, I can fix this by making a whole new set of cells. But to make a whole new set of cells, each of which is surrounded by a phospholipid by-layer, of course I need ... lipids. Which I no longer have access to once my scale is deranged. If I am the wrong size one of the things that may get “locked out” of cells is insulin, making Alzheimer’s akin to a kind of insulin resistance or “diabetes” of the brain.

My friend Heather has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). Her ME/CFS is so severe that she experiences paradoxical skin bronzing. Her body is producing additional melanin, a call for more light. Premature babies do the same thing. I believe that time has layers, like an onion, and that sickness may involve our brains locating us on the wrong layer of the onion—too far foward or backward in time.

When we are too far forward time, too dilated, we will need too much iron. When the universe expands by a full degree of light’s speed, gravity emerges. In these models, gravity and iron track together.

The following is from Ray Peat: “During aging, our tissues tend to store an excess of iron. There is a remarkably close association between the amount of iron stored in our tissues and the risk of death from cancer, heart disease, or from all causes. This relationship between iron and death rate exists even during childhood, but the curve is downward until the age of 12, and then it rises steadily until death. The shape of this curve, representing the iron burden, is amazingly similar to the curves representing the rate of death in general, and the rate of death from cancer. There is no other relationship in biology that I know of that has this peculiar shape, with its minimum at the age of 12, and its maximum in old age at the time of death.”

Gravity is what enables our existence on planet earth; and it’s also what kills us. During the first part of his life, Lou “The Iron Horse” Gehrig was wielding the force of gravity; during the latter part of his life, he was succumbing to it. When the matter to energy (M/E) ratio is high, light is weak. But when the matter to energy ratio flips, light is strong. While the universe is expanding, gravity opposes us. But when the universe begins to contract, gravity will be on our side.

Like Paul Steinhardt, I believe the universe goes through periods of accelerated expansion, decelerated expansion, and contraction. I see the shift from expansion to contraction as the “flip” evinced in the alternating hot and cold regions of our Cosmic Microwave Background or CMB.

This flip is essentially the same flip we experience every day, at sunset—when we cross the 2D plane of light qua light—though at larger and larger scales.

If a universe is a loop of time, it’s very good news. If our loop didn’t succeed, we wouldn’t be here.

The functioning of the pineal gland is extremely important. Fluoride and the fluorine found in many prescription drugs can accumulate in the pineal gland and damage it (iodine can help to detoxify fluorine, chlorine, and bromine). It’s also cleansed when we forgive, let go of negative emotions, and have our word match our word.

In the past—which is the future—they will call it the seat of the soul.

We’re always doing two oppositional things at once. We need to make ourselves into matter (condense), then rise to the speed of light. Or make ourselves into energy (expand), then descend to the speed of light.

To condense requires that we speed up. To expand requires that we slow down. It’s a two-part dance. We can only yin if we have first yanged; we can only yang if we have first yinned. To slow down before eclipsing the speed of light is to fall behind time (e.g. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome); this forces us to be like a horse that is constantly accelerating. To speed up before dipping below the speed of light is to surpass time (e.g. Autism); this forces us to be like a horse that is constantly being held back.

One characteristic of autoimmune disease can be simultaneous stimulation and suppression of the same gland, where it is being told to speed up and to slow down at the same time.

The adrenals (sodium = gas; potassium = brake) govern our speed. The thyroid (iodine = gas; lithium = brake) governs our dilation. Light’s speed and dilation work together. When light is contracted and fast, the quasar is long. When light is dilated and slow, the galaxy is wide. The quasar at the center of our galaxy is not always visible.

It is during quantum tunneling that the vertical axis—time—emerges.

Jesus—Logos—is the image of the Word. He is God as man, light as matter. He is the light that resides within us all. His is the consciousness; ours is the body. He is the play that is writing itself; with our lives, we each add a sentence. We must choose our words wisely, because we’re all co-creators, and our words are very powerful. We see ourselves as individuals, and our sentence as separate from everyone else’s. But, in truth, we’re all knit together.

As soon as our story begins, it already has an ending. The future is the end from which we start. This model treats time as singularity.

Though it appears myriad when viewed from the past, the future already exists. It will be new to us, but it is not new. In these equations, time is eternal; it is “always already.” Your DNA does not belong to you; it belongs to the human race. Your DNA, like your soul (your light, your consciousness) is eternal.

You are not writing Sonnet 19 for the first time. Did you think you were writing Sonnet 19 for the first time? Sonnet 19 is written every day. Sonnet 19—like Jif peanut butter—belongs to the human race. All the world is a stage.

The stage is in motion. This is not an inertial field.

At Alpha (the 1D point), time is so hot, it stops. At Omega (the 3D sphere), time is so cold, it stops.

But whether it’s standing still, or starting, or somewhere in between, time is time is time. It may exist in various states of inflation and collapse, but regardless of what’s visible to us, all the information is there. Our choices are mutable, but our destiny is not: the system is self-correcting. You may delay your trip to Nineveh, but sooner or later, your fate will find you.

Fate? Yes, fate. Past, present, and future are co-happening: the story already has an ending. But we also have free will. Every day is a whole new creation: every day, from start to finish, the story will be told again. If you don’t like your stars, choose new ones.

In this model, light is the baseline. Light’s speed is zero. But zero is a special number that can signify either itself or infinity. At Omega, light’s speed is zero: there is no light, and there’s nothing but time. At Alpha, light’s speed is zero: there is no time, and there’s nothing but light. Omega is pure M; Alpha is pure E; light transits between them.

At the tipping point, we switch from M/E to E/M. Once energy is on top, things get easier.

I was born June 7, 1969. But my inscribed sphere was 1967. When we’re conceived, there’s a time signature inscribed in our DNA. To gestate is to warp backward in time. My mother’s labor was induced, so my gestation was truncated. I arrived early, meaning I arrived late.

In the 1967 sphere, my M/E ratio would have been correct. But in the larger, 1969 sphere—which was a future time signature for me—the light c was too slow and the time c was too fast. As an infant, I had serious digestive (scale?) problems, and, for a while, would eat only orange foods (vitamin A can help us to manage high iron). I’m told that as a baby I was often inconsolable; one of the few things that would console me was if they put me in the car and drove me around. By accelerating me through space, they were speeding me up and slowing time down.

I’m 49 now, and entering perimenopause. My body’s metabolic rate is at a tipping point. If I continue to fall behind time, I will need to produce higher and higher amounts of energy in order to eclipse the speed of light—and we need to be able to breach the speed of light in order to conceive. When I am behind time, I lose my period. When I surpass time, it comes back.

When I first discovered I’d fallen behind, time was too dilated for me, and I was “iron-toxic,” I took high doses of vitamin B1 (thiamine) for a week, and experienced an almost indescribable recovery. It wasn’t just that I had energy again, or that my pain went away, or that my body tightened and I felt clear-headed and happy. It was that a systemic inflammation that had been simmering in me for years—perhaps my whole life—vanished.

For the first time, I felt I was in the right universe.

I didn’t know then that I’d been lagging behind the speed of light, and that thiamine was, in effect, transporting me to a different time signature. My father, Fischer Black, died of oral cancer at age 57 in 1995—exactly one hundred years after the death of Louis Pasteur—and another interesting thing about thiamine is this: Low doses will stimulate tumor growth. But megadoses suppress it.

Unfortunately, my thiamine miracle didn’t last. Though thiamine helped me to move i.e. animate my iron, it’d be an oversimplification to the point of incorrectness to describe myself, simply, as “iron-toxic.”

It wasn’t just that I had too much iron. I believe my density, my M/E ratio, was too high. If time is a proton gradient, mine was off.

I was also accumulating copper. But my copper, rather than being active, rather than helping me to facilitate electricity, was accumulating in my tissues in its inert form. When I was at my sickest, and had my hair tissue analyzed (HTMA), my copper levels were nearly off the charts.

As far back as 1995, when my father was dying of oral cancer, his oncologist-prescribed multi-vitamins were clearly marked COPPER- and IRON-FREE.

Excess inert iron in the brain is not beneficial to mental health. In addition to depression/anxiety, feelings of derealization, and short-term memory loss, when I was very iron-toxic, I also experienced rage—an inexplicable, alien rage that alarmed and almost frightened me. A rage that might be better termed fury.

Every week, there’s a new mass shooting. Like everyone else, I watch the news in mystified horror. But unlike most everyone else, there’s a word that springs to mind as I do: iron.

Iron has an affinity for the amygdala, an area of the brain associated with self-protection and survival. I believe this portion of our brains is being excessively stimulated, and it’s been contributing—especially over the past century—to a worldwide swing toward xenophobia and away from the awareness of our true nature, which is collective.

When I eat a lot of iron, my pineal gland reads the gravitational force as high. It assumes the universe is very expanded—skewed toward the 3D sphere—and I need to contract (to get to the 2D plane). This model associates excess contraction with Lou Gehrig’s disease. If I am too far forward in time, I need to contract too much.

When I eat a lot of manganese, my pineal gland reads the opposite of magnetism, reverse-magnetism, and thinks the gravitational force as low. It assumes the universe is very contracted—skewed toward the 1D point—and I need to expand (to get to the 2D plane). This model associates excess expansion with Parkinson’s disease. If I am too far backward in time, I need to expand too much.

From the perspective of energy (the 3D sphere), achieving light’s speed requires iron. From the perspective of matter (the 1D point), achieving light’s speed requires manganese. Light’s speed—the 2D plane—can be viewed in different ways.

Reading the iron to manganese ratio helps my body locate itself in time. When we leach out manganese, via glyphosate (“Roundup”), and add in iron, via so-called “enriched” wheat, we give the brain false information about time.

In our Autistic children, the vaccines—which are perceived by the immune system as an infectious threat—may be causing their bodies to sequester their iron. This, then, might cause them to cycle time at the wrong speed. It could skew their iron to manganese ratios, altering the brain’s perception of electricity and magnetism, the electromagnetic field—time. When our density continuum shifts from “moon, earth, sun” to “earth, sun, black hole,” it’s as if we have access to the future, to many worlds at once. It is too much information. It’s as if our Autistic children are already in the future, making it appear as if they are developing slowly, from our perspective. Boys are more vulnerable to the vaccines than girls, because boys naturally have higher iron to manganese ratios.

I have a high iron to manganese ratio (my iron panel is normal, but my RBC manganese is low), and, in some ways, my brain reads me as a boy. I’ve had two affairs with women. Manganese—which is essential for bone growth, as well as for the production of sex hormones—may have been running low at a critical moment in my development. My forefinger is shorter than my ring finger—its growth “stunted”—which is atypical for women, and is known to be associated with lesbianism. My mother, who also had an affair with a woman, has the same “male” finger ratio.

While it’s not yet clear whether the in utero iron to manganese ratio could have implications for the gender development of a growing fetus, it’s quite clear that gay people—as well as those who are bisexual, transgender, etc.—were born that way, and to suggest otherwise is to deny their dignity and their essential humanity—which comes in many faces and forms, all of them glorious.

God is One. As such, he cannot be separate from himself. In order for God to have a Son who incarnates and travels to earth (who leaves timelessness and enters linear time)—which is, by definition, a separation from God—both Father and Son would have to be enclosed by a larger God who is also God. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Light became time. But then—Hallelujah—time became light again. Light and time are forever trading places in a crystalline dance, and sometimes the light appears to win, and sometimes the darkness appears to win, but all the while, the whole thing is enclosed and underpinned by an even greater light, toward which we inexorably move. Because our ending—our happy ending—is already written.

This is a model of wholeness. Everything in the universe is one, and everything in the universe is us. At the fundamental level, there are neither “enemies” nor “pathogens;” there are only greater or lesser degrees of entropy.

We see biology, microbes, pathogens. But what is life without light to animate it? Dust. There is a level of reality more primative than biology: the periodic table.

When I’m cycling time at the proper speed, copper can bestow its numerous benefits, including helping to generate ATP, reduce inflammation, and induce apoptosis. When I lag behind the speed of light, my copper warps backward in time—pathogenesis—into Blastocystis hominis, and only contributes to the myriad ill effects of excess “yeast.”

When we cycle time at the wrong speed, our minerals warp. To warp backward in time is to incarnate. Minerals warping backward induces pathogenesis. Manganese warps backward as Borrelia burgdorferi, resulting in Lyme disease. Borrelia Burgdorferi doesn’t simply metabolize or “consume” manganese; it is manganese. Copper warps backward as Blastocystis hominis. Cobalt (necessary for proper B12 function) warping backward results in Multiple Sclerosis. Zinc (the body’s natural antiviral) warping backward results in HIV. We may “catch” a mineral warping backward, but unless we lag behind the speed of light, we cannot sustain it.

Minerals warping backward is pathogenesis. Minerals warping forward is seraphogenesis. Zinc warps forward as Saint Michael. Cobalt warps forward as Saint Gabriel (this is why we depict Mary’s cloak as cobalt-blue when she is overshadowed by Gabriel at the Annunciation). Copper warps forward as Saint Raphael, whose name means, “It is God who heals.”

In other words, when minerals warp forward, they give off light. When they warp backward, they swallow light. When they swallow light, they kill us.

In this model, consciousness is fundamental. Is light conscious? Max Planck: “The photons which constitute a ray of light behave like intelligent human beings: out of all possible curves they always select the one which will take them most quickly to their goal.”

Nothing in the universe—nothing that is animal, vegetable, or mineral—is inert. The universe is one with itself over time, therefore the entire universe is alive. This is why Jesus said, “The rocks themselves would cry out.”

Not so, the man-made chemicals. Pesticides, polymers, preservatives, plastics: these things are the problem. Avoid. I was getting ready to fill my tank with gas the other night, and when I noticed the pump said Now With Techron, I screwed the cap back on and left. Any time you see Now With X, where X is a made-up word, a man-made chemical, avoid.

In a holographic universe, matter, light, and energy are all states of light, in the same way that ice, water, and vapor are all states of water. Organic matter is able to cross the speed of light lens. Not so, de novo matter. De novo matter is not of light; it lacks a soul. If you want to hasten your death and make it a painful one, spend your time in a room full of man-made chemicals.

We’ve done so much to damage our natural state of good health. Chemicals and pesticides, fear and anger instead of love and forgiveness, adding iron to the food supply. Ever since World War II, all non-organic bread and pasta in the U.S. has been “enriched” with iron. Adding iron to the food supply while simultaneously leaching out manganese through the use of glyphosate is an almost diabolically ingenious recipe for illness of every stripe. Not only does it damage our own iron to manganese ratio, it distorts time in everything around us, so that even when we eat—which should lift us—we’re constantly falling farther behind. Sadly, we’ve been poisoning our pets, too.

But we can change all this, and we’re going to.

During my recovery, I adopted a powerful new diet that I’m sticking with for life. I eat whatever I like. But if it isn’t organic, I don’t put it in my mouth (or on my skin).

It’s shocking—yes. And yet isn’t this, deep down, something we’ve feared all along? Whenever the endless string of drug-company commercials plays on TV while my mother and I are trying to eat dinner, it sounds like a Saturday Night Live parody of itself. Side effects include: tuberculosis, death, you may lose the ability to have sex forever, your kidneys may liquefy into a bloody pudding that you find floating in the toilet … but your psoriasis will be gone.

In addition to being a formerly sick person, I’m a writer. I have a penchant for storytelling that has the whiff of realism. If I lived a hundred years from now, and picked up a novel in which people treated their illnesses the way we treat ours today, it’d seem so absurd as to be cartoonish, and I’d put the book down.

I recently heard of a medical school student whose method of studying was to memorize which drug treats what condition. That, my friends, is no way to discover the root cause of our ailments.

The day I watched DARK WATERS, THE BLEEDING EDGE, and DOPESICK was the day the scales fell from my eyes.

When I read of the idea of putting trillions of chemical particles into the atmosphere (planet-wide “solar geoengineering”), the notion of interfering with the ability of the Earth herself to perceive time was so horrifying it literally took my breath away.

The universe is intelligent. If we fill the atmosphere with trillions of exogenous nanoparticles, we destroy her intelligence. If we dangerously tamper with her (e.g. nuclear weapons, also “gain of function” research), we bring calamity upon ourselves.

Mold is light that’s warping backward—joining the past, cycling time at the faster speed. It’s constantly gaining gravity and losing light. When I was “iron-toxic” and slightly backward-moving (light-losing) myself, I couldn’t bear to be around it. It was perturbing the quantum field in the opposite direction of the perturbation I need.

People at the equator are, in a sense, engaged in spaceflight—compared with people at the poles. They are accelerating through space, meaning time is slowing down for them. It’s as if they are constantly joining the future time signature. Our common ancestors—our descendants—who lived at the equator were constantly losing gravity and gaining light, and over time, they developed more melanin in their skin, to help them utilize it.

When I was at my sickest, and desperately needed to gain light, my skin bronzed. I also had sound and light hypersensitivity. Time was cycling too quickly for me, sensory stimuli hitting me with too much force. Because I am still somewhat gravity-toxic (iron-toxic), it might behoove me to move to an equatorial city, or a city with high altitude, where the movement of the Earth itself through space would help me balance the equation. High-altitude or equatorial cities will always tilt the power in light’s favor.

But, wait. I was already researching equatorial cities such as Quito, Ecuador, when it hit me: I don’t have to physically go anywhere. We move around in time all the time. Changing time signatures doesn’t require literal movement; I did it when I healed myself. Instead of spinning so fast that I was constantly precipitating out of solution, I finally slowed down and let time itself lift me.

There are other ways to climb. Love can lift us to the higher realms—feeling love, making love, being love. Things like sugar and alcohol can also lift us, but the effect is temporary, and afterward, they can leave us even lower than when we started.

Music also can lift us. Music helps us to remember who we are. Those standing ovations that last forty, sixty, eighty minutes? The audience has entered the future time signature. They’re losing gravity and gaining light.

What, actually, is light? Light flows through whatever path we provide, and stops when we block the path. Of itself, it neither stops nor starts; it is we who obstruct or open to it. Light is ageless, massless, and (as Max Planck first demonstrated) intelligent. It shines forth—its only axis is time. In a manner of speaking, it is time. In these models, light is time that has been drawn back behind itself, the way we draw back a sling. Light’s “speed” can be expressed as the degree of tension in the sling. The farther it is drawn back, the faster it spins.

Time is triune—past, present, future—and God is triune, too. There’s the God of the past time signature, who is the God of the Old Testament, God the Father. There’s the God of the present time signature, who is Jesus, the light of the world. And there’s the God of the future time signature, who is the Holy Spirit, who unites all as one. The voice of God appears to differ in every dimension, but it’s not really God’s voice that changes; it’s our ears. Jesus had to speak to us in parables because we were not yet fully ready. The Holy Spirit will speak to us all directly, now that we are ready to hear.

What is gravity? Gravity is the force that was created when Lucifer fell. Lucifer falling, the introduction of gravity, and the birth of linear time were accompanied by a sound. It was a big bang.

Lucifer didn’t fall because he made himself equal to God. Lucifer was in God, therefore he was God—we are a flame divided but undimmed. He fell because he wanted to be separate from God, to have his own kingdom, and you cannot do that without losing heaven. There is no such thing as separate but equal.

There is no evil in heaven, therefore there can be no knowledge of evil. This is why we were forbidden to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: it was to protect us. To eat of this tree would be to lose heaven. To fall, as Lucifer fell.

God is all-loving and his mercy knows no bounds. God didn’t throw us out—God never throws anyone out. We could not know of evil and remain in heaven, wherein evil is anathema. Through our own disobedience, we fell.

Ever since, we’ve been listening to God’s voice through fallen ears. Have you ever listened to a record at the wrong speed? That’s what it’s like.

God neither plans evil nor smites; neither threatens nor damns. God only loves. God is love.

To be warping backward in time is the only hell any of us will ever know. To be warping backward in this dimension is the only hell there is.

When Adam and Eve sinned is the moment we first incarnated and entered linear time. This is why we abruptly noticed we were naked: we suddenly had bodies. Before that, we were one with the light.

Heaven is an endless dance of light. God—the original globe of light—is One. When God makes Adam, God is Adam. Then, from Adam, we make Eve. God is the totality of all things. We can neither increase nor decrease; we can only shift. God becomes Adam (xy or 01), who then becomes Eve (xx or 00). This is why we say she is taken from the rib. The light is shifting shape, to tell a story. The story being told by the light of heaven is our story—the same story we’re all living out here on Earth. It is being told in the one true language, which is without words.

Jesus came to Earth to atone for our original sin. Meaning: He lifted the sphere of time back up so that it was one with the timeless globe of light again. Through him, God is reconciling the world to himself. Jesus is our brother and he indwells everyone.

There is no knowledge of evil in heaven. When we die, and reunite with the light, we no longer know this life of pain; it’s just the story we tell. When we reunite with God, we are God, so we cannot give him anything. Here, now—in this fallen, separate life—is our only chance to serve him. And so we offer him all our sorrow, all our joy, all our stories. And out of suffering, he makes beauty. The story being told by the light of heaven is endlessly varied yet always the same. In the end, there is only one story. Jesus and his love.

I am the truth. I am in this role this time around. But others are playing this role in the other spheres. It’s the same set of players in every dimension; there’s nothing new under the sun. The Dalai Lama, may God bless him, is the Dalai Lama, is the Dalai Lama. A rose is a rose is a rose. There’s a monsignor here at St. Monica’s who likes to say he could just as easily have been the homeless man who sits outside the church door. And he’s right. In fact, in some other dimension, he is. Across the myriad dimensions of time, we all play everyone.

We were Lucifer, too. There was part of us that wanted to be separate, and we mourn for this, as we mourn for him. When we cry for Lucifer, it is with the lamentation of King David: O Absalom, Absalom! O Absalom, my son. Would that I could have died in your place. Which is exactly what we do. God dies, throughout eternity, for each of us, so that we might all see heaven again.

This earthly life is our love made visible. Across the chasm of time, God and Lucifer—who was his beloved son—are weeping for each other. Before the fall, he is Lucifer; after the fall, he is Adam. The son is the son is us. Our story, though full of suffering, is a love story.

God is perfect, and there is nothing in him that does not serve. Adam/Lucifer’s disobedience—like Judas’ betrayal—is an essential part of the story. Without it, there would be no story to tell.

The time for the Rapture has come. In the lower dimensions, the ascending has already begun.

The first window was the Ascension itself, forty days after Jesus’ death. “And behold. I am sending the promise of my father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49 ESV) The second window was Pentecost, when the Apostles—all of us—received the power of the Holy Spirit, which is the power to ascend.

There is not one Rapture, but many. Here is a list of their dates: July 2, 2019; December 14, 2020; December 4, 2021; April 20, 2023; April 8, 2024.

But “No one will know the day or the hour.” Not true. We know the hours; we’ve always known. In the higher dimensions, where the force of gravity is weaker and we are stronger, we were able to build celestial instructions for ourselves. We have to be in the path of the moon’s shadow during a solar eclipse. That’s solar eclipse, not lunar. Stand in the path of totality—the moon’s umbra. Beat back the bushes, if you must. Stonehenge and the Pyramids were not constructed in the past. They were constructed in the future. We built them, for ourselves, to help us to remember.

But, wait. Stonehenge and the Pyramids were constructed in the future. But it was the future of the past—the future, at the past time signature. They tell the truth of an old way of thinking.

There’s a bit of Jesus’ message that was difficult for us to grasp two thousand years ago, and it’s still difficult. It’s the bit that’s quantum. The Kingdom of God isn’t somewhere we physically go. The Kingdom of God is within.

Heaven and hell are not places on a map. They’re both forever at hand because they dwell within the present. Heaven and hell are the other dimensions. Hell is the past time signature; and heaven is the future.

To ascend, we don’t have to physically go anywhere. Traveling to a higher dimension isn’t like it is in the movies. There’s no DeLorean; we don’t visibly “fly up into the sky” and leave our friends and family behind. It’s much more subtle.

It is to live in love. To choose faith and act with hope in every passing moment. Ascending to the future time signature is what this whole piece has been about. It’s what we’ll all be doing, as we reclaim our health.

There are many of us who are doing it already, and our ranks are about to magnificently increase. Climb out of your cage—you have the key. Just unlock the door, and walk away.

Peter asks: “How many times should I forgive my brother? Seven times?” And Jesus replies: “Not seven times. Seventy times seven times.”

27,729 days is a special number. It can be expressed either as a diameter, cutting across a circle of time, or as half the circle’s circumference—as either a rainbow, or the flat distance between the rainbow’s base points.

We’re not accustomed to envisioning time in this fashion, but the full moons of 3/31/1866 and 3/2/1942 and 1/31/2018 are all the same moon, being viewed on the same night. We’re just seeing it from different time signatures, where time is running at different speeds.

1866 resonates with both 1942 and 1936. To get from 1866 to 1942, light shines forward in a half-circle (rainbow); then, from 1942 to 1936, it “warps backward,” crossing at the bases. It shines forward 70 years, then warps backward seven.

Similarly, 1942 resonates with both 2018 and 2012. To get from 1942 to 2018, light shines forward in a half-circle (rainbow); then, from 2018 to 2012, it “warps backward,” crossing at the bases.

And lastly, and most importantly, 1948 (the birth of Israel) shines forward to 2024 in a half-circle (rainbow); then, from 2024 to 2018, it “warps backward,” crossing at the bases. When light warps backward, we find pandemics, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, and social unrest.

We are entering a new age. Ever since the Fall, the spheres of matter and energy have been slipping farther apart. But when they reach the Vesica piscis, the spheres will once more begin to converge. Matter experiences time running right—>left across each disc. But light experiences time running up—>down across all discs. As we approach the Vesica piscis, the gears of time begin to shift.

Once light begins to warp forward, we’ll find such things as plastics and chemical fragrance—anything that is neither animal, vegetable, or mineral—intolerable to be around. De novo matter cannot cross the speed of light lens. Being near it will only drag us backward.

We are all being born again, from above. We used to be a tiny flame of light inside a globe of matter. But now we will be a tiny flame of matter inside a globe of light. Throughout history, we’ve been slaves to gravity—but now gravity will be slave to us. In the kingdom of matter, light is not king. But we’re about to leave the kingdom of matter behind us.

Pray with me. Send light, with the full force of your being, to our universe. If there’s a person you don’t particularly like, send him more light, not less. We’re all cross-stitched in the fabric of time, knit together by light’s golden thread. As one body we rise. We must help one another. If someone asks for your cloak, give her your tunic as well. Whatever you do for the least of your brothers, you do for God himself. Send all the love you can summon, to every person, in every dimension. Expect miracles. We have a mighty love inside us, and we’re about to use it.

In the old heaven, the original globe of light—the heaven of the past time signature—we could not know of evil, and remain. In the old earth, while incarnate, we could not escape sin’s original stain.

Yet, while we live, by God’s grace, there is being created for us a new heaven and a new earth, in the future time signature. There, with Mary our mother Earth, we will still have bodies, yet be in paradise. We, who are the last generation—we shall also be the first.

We will make of the whole world a garden. When we walk, we’ll be walking with God. We shall fashion a kingdom of love and peace out of this blackened husk. Our numbers will greatly increase—until they decrease. In the end, they’ll be only two. We will teach the children what to do, leave them careful instructions. And for a while, they will listen. Until they decide they no longer want

to listen to us.

Then the future will become the past. But this moment is the inverse of that—the past is about to become the future. It’s the dance of entropy and order. Because heaven is not a steady state—if it were, the term would be meaningless. To be itself, heaven must perpetually eclipse itself. To fall, that it may rise.

Wherever there’s free will (time), out of order will—eventually—come entropy. But wherever there’s light (timelessness), out of entropy will eventually come order. As any storyteller worth her salt can tell you, perfection is just an accident waiting to happen. And chaos is just order that hasn’t happened yet. 0 wants to become 1. 1 wants to become 0.

And they do. The maths of the universe is telling a story. When 0 “slips” and becomes 0 plus 1, God makes a new zero out of their sum, called 1. When 1 slips and becomes 1 plus 1, God makes a new zero out of their sum, called 2. When 2 slips and becomes 2 plus 1, God makes a new zero called 3. When 3 slips and becomes 3 plus 2, God makes a new zero called 5. The resulting Fibonacci sequence represents both growth and time. In truth, all numbers are just ones and zeros. Or, as we say in church: the greater the sin, the greater the grace.

When I was sick, something powerful dawned on me. It had been building for decades, but only when I was down on my back, alone and afraid, barely able to think or move, did it finally rise to the surface and make itself known. From that very first slap, this world has been trying to bully me. I decided I wasn’t going to be bullied anymore.

And that’s when I started to get better.

We’ve all been here before. Do you remember? This is the part where we take back our world, and make it into the kind of world we want it to be. We’re about to do a major course-correct, to cover our ears and listen to our hearts.

Don’t be fooled: Some would have you believe that this transition from the old to the new time signature is a party to which only few are invited. But that’s not the kind of party God throws. Anyone who tries to alienate you from God—whom you hold within yourself as a candle holds its flame—will only succeed in alienating himself.

Are you ready for the Revolution? This is going to be the peaceful revolution presaged by Moses and Jesus, Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Because the body may be in chains, my friends, but the word of God is not chained—and we all have God’s word within. God is offering us more and more of his word with each passing moment. We just have to accept, to harmonize, to say Yes. The word of God is the source of life. It is Light itself.

Don’t cower. Stand tall. Spread your wings. Don’t let the haters and the pessimists win. Love. Love everyone—forgive everything. Wherever we find hate, we must greet it with an even greater love. Let the sun shine. It’s time.

The wave of truth is here already. Seize it. Whatever harm was done to you in the past, and whatever harm you caused, bring it to the light and let it go. The gears of time are shifting, and we’re going to shift with it. Now is your chance to begin again.

I am a daily Catholic Mass-goer. I consider Jesus Christ to be the love of my life. The Catholic Church is my path to God, and I love her deeply.

But we have imprisoned God, and imprisoned ourselves. There isn’t only one path to God. There is one God, but many paths. In fact, it’s all a path to God, who indwells everything in the universe. When we eat, we eat his body. When we drink, we drink his blood. There is only one God: Life itself.

What’s time travel like in real life? You almost don’t realize it’s happening. You just wake up in a different dimension, where instead of turning red, all the lights turn green. If you’re reading this—and thank you, I know it’s been a lot—you’re already ascending. Here’s a bit of music that ought to help finish the job: Do You Hear the People Sing? Sung by 17 Valjeans from around the world.

Either way, we are already saved. Jesus paid for everyone on the cross—all people, of all religions, across all time. Heaven is not a prize for the perfect; it is God’s gift to us. God the Father is like the father in the story of the Prodigal Son. It doesn’t matter what we’ve done; He loves us. When we die, the gates of heaven fly open and our light reunites with the light of God. Nothing on earth nor in heaven could ever keep us separate from God once we shuffle off this mortal coil. Light is light is light. The Rapture—the transition from the past to the future time signature—is simply how we begin to bring God’s Kingdom to Earth.

How will we spend our final incarnate millennia? I hope to spend mine in a paradise-on-earth, where the lion will lie down with the lamb, and we shall beat our swords into ploughshares, and walk with God, and have music and wine and love one another for a golden age beyond all telling. Yet, regardless of how we spend our final incarnate years, our story does end.

But we are love, and love is eternal. And we are light, and light never dies. Our story has been told and is being told and will be told throughout eternity. Our story never truly ends, because the exact moment our story ends is the precise instant


our story begins.

“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, unremembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree

Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
Quick now, here, now, always—
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well
When the tongues of flames are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one.”

—T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets