How to Get to God

Just kidding. I would never presume to tell you how to get to God. How can I tell you how to get to God when I can't even tell you ...
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Radical Empathy

I love Jonathan Haidt’s TED talk because it allowed me to feel something in a fresh way that I had previously understood intellectually. There are reasons—good reasons—why people hold beliefs ...
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Only When Light Is Emergent Does It Have Speed

The central nugget of these ideas is simple. What we perceive as light is not light proper (light as light or light qua light). What we perceive as light exists ...
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Gravity Is Not a Force

According to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, gravity is not a force. There are no gravitational fields. Gravity ... "is kind of an illusion." (Derek Muller) Central to these pages ...
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Am I a Towering Giant?

The following is from physicist Jim Pivarski of Fermilab: "It is a well-established fact that the universe is expanding. It grows without center, like an inflating raisin cake, but an ...
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Time, like a Fragrance

Where does consciousness reside? We haven't really answered that question yet. Perhaps somewhat in the brain, and somewhat in the blood. I have very thick, type A+ blood. Once, when ...
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