Teasing the Image from the Noise

Our brains create the images we see. We know this intellectually, but we have not yet fully absorbed its implications. Donald Hoffman likens what we see to a desktop interface ...
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My Proton Gradient

High doses of vitamin C are contraindicated for people like me who have issues with oxalate. Oxalate is a crystal found in plants capable of photosynthesis. Oxalate has been linked ...
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Are Space and Time an Illusion?

This entire video by PBS Space Time is terrific, but I’m going to cue it to the part that deals with identity, causality, and seeing life as a story or ...
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The Real Meaning of E=mc^2

Another succinct, elegant, brilliant video from PBS Space Time. The term “rest mass” is redundant. Whenever we measure mass, we assume we are speaking of mass at rest. But what ...
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Shattering Cancer with Resonant Frequencies

TEDx TalksPublished 22 Dec 2013 Anthony Holland: Associate Professor, Director of Music Technology, Skidmore College. DMA, MM, MM, BM; President: Novobiotronics Inc. [a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable and educational company]. Discovered ...
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I Sing the Body Electric

In the 1990 film Awakenings, based on Oliver Sacks’s memoir of the same name, a patient named Lucy Fishman (Alice Drummond), although in a semi-catatonic state, suddenly catches a ball when ...
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