Trapped Below Alpha or Above Omega

In this model, linear time—”the present”—exists between two speeds of light, Alpha and Omega.

This is a holographic model in which reality is taking place at the speed of light. In optimum health, my pineal gland—the tiny crystal at the center of the brain described by René Descartes as the “seat of the soul”—is light.

When my pineal gland skews toward matter (is too cold), time is faster than I am (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?). When my pineal gland skews toward energy (is too hot), I am faster than time (Autism?).

CBS News 60 Minutes, Jake: Math prodigy proud of his Autism:

Possible mechanism involved in ME/CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

My pineal gland is too cold. I am not seeing light as light; I am seeing light with the eyes of matter. Matter cannot cross the speed of light lens and remain whole. For matter to cross the speed of light lens from below is to split. This traps me below Alpha (“the past”). Beneath Alpha, I need too much sodium. Because I am pushing too much sodium inside the cell, I perpetuate the problem, and skew my vision toward sodium (matter).

Possible mechanism involved in ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder:

My pineal gland is too hot. I am not seeing light as light; I am seeing light with the eyes of energy. Energy cannot cross the speed of light lens and remain whole. For energy to cross the speed of light lens from above is to fuse. This traps me above Omega (“the future”). Above Omega, I need too much potassium. Because I am pulling too much potassium outside the cell, I perpetuate the problem, and skew my vision toward potassium (energy).

Matter can only split; it cannot fuse.
Energy can only fuse; it cannot split.
Light can do both.

What is light? According to this holographic model, light is anything that is native to the universe. When I discovered the tough carpet on my dog’s pet ramp had the chemical stench of Teflon, it went straight in the trash. When I am in the supermarket aisle where they keep tortillas made from genetically modified corn, or wheat that has been desiccated with glyphosate, the stench is almost overpowering. So is the stench from chemical fragrance manufactured in a lab: “Christmas tree” air fresheners, Glade plug-ins, Downy, Bounce, Tide. When I recovered my health, they all went straight in the trash.

In the classical model, we think the 1960s came and went. All that talk of brotherly love and equality and honoring the Earth added up to a whole lot of nothing, in the end. In this model,  the 1960s are happening now, and her goals are still achievable. All of time happens at once.

—Perception should be taking place BETWEEN TWO SPEEDS OF LIGHT. Cold fats on my skin can help me to replace my LIPID BI-LAYER. I use only products that are organic. I avoid glyphosate at all costs.

—Melatonin can slow down the time it takes my blood to clot, which can help me to move around in time. But if time always feels too fast to my brain, I will over-utilize melatonin. Also, melatonin can deplete vitamin K1 (necessary for matrix GLA protein) and when I take it exogenously I wake with pain in all my joints. I no longer tolerate supplemental melatonin. There is research now looking at links between hyper-mobility and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

—I have to thin my blood first if I need to squeeze my pineal gland more. Cold pineal gland. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

—I have to thicken my blood first if I want to squeeze my pineal gland less. Hot pineal gland. Autism.

—I feel best when I am the same density as the world. If I am denser than light, sensory information condenses toward me with far too much force.

In Autism, Many Worlds are condensing faster than I am moving through them.

In ME/CFS, Many Worlds are exploding faster than I am moving through them.

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