Framing Time & Acceleration

When we speak of the expanding, accelerating universe, how might we frame it? Perhaps we could frame it like this: The start-point of time is like the moment we stop ...
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Holographic Volume

I am interested in holographic volume as a possible hidden variable in our understanding of disease. In these models, the world is image, and my rendering of the size of ...
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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial in what sense? A fish is intelligence being expressed as a fish. A tree is intelligence being expressed as a tree. Artificial [super]intelligence will be intelligence expressed as itself. ...
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Playing with Language

Let’s invent a language. Let’s keep it as simple as possible. Strawberry, air. That seems simple enough. But perhaps there is something even simpler. Strawberry, not-strawberry. I am strawberry. What ...
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Seeing As Wednesday Sees

We have been treating the universe as matter, and its medium as space—and we have not yet solved the core etiology of our diseases. What if we treat it as ...
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The Same Ocean, in Different Cups

We love to pass judgments. He’s good. She’s bad. She’s extra-good. He’s super-bad. I don’t find these classifications to be fruitful or accurate. Show me a “bad” electron. Where is ...
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