
I am looking at health in a holographic universe, and interpreting illness in terms of a relationship to the speed of light. I have a new paper under submission. Here is a brief excerpt.

The world we know with our senses is 3D. But this model does not treat reality as 3D. It can be 2D (flat) or 4D. When it is 4D, the vertical time axis has emerged. The vertical time axis flattens our perception of the 3D world the way the emergence of the quasar flattens our perception of the galaxy.

There are two kinds of north. The north I experience when in New York City I walk from 12th Street to 13th Street to 14th Street. And the north I experience when I go up in a high-rise building. My body cares only about the second kind of north, which trumps or flattens the first.

The emergence of the vertical time axis, in turn, facilitates quantum tunneling. Quantum tunneling of the kind we witnessed in the fourth state of matter experiment (Kolesnikov et al., 2016). This paper will argue that quantum tunneling plays a role in many diseases.

When light is too dense, its speed is too fast. But light’s speed cannot be too fast. If light condenses behind the baseline by too great a differential, it tunnels forward.

When light is too diffuse, its speed is too slow. But light’s speed cannot be too slow. If light expands beyond the baseline by too great a differential, it tunnels backward.

Once I am so far forward in time that I am tunneling backward (imploding) (e.g. cancer), what can I do? Once I am so far backward in time that I am tunneling forward (burning) (e.g. frostbite), what can I do? My dermatologist has used liquid nitrogen to remove pre-cancerous growths from my skin by altering the proton gradient.

In cancer, instead of moving forward in time along a straight path, it is as if I am oscillating sideways from time’s left to time’s right. Why? Because of perception. When I make myself denser than light, I make pH7 a false ceiling. When I make myself more diffuse than light, I make pH7 a false floor. In truth, pH7 is neither ceiling nor floor. pH7 is the straight path, the direct route. Don’t look to time’s left (the rocky planets) or time’s right (the gas giants). Look straight ahead, as if seeing through the center of the page.

“Light is heavy,” say Martin van der Mark and Gerard ‘t Hooft (Mark & Hooft, 2000). According to whom? This paper will explore the idea that light will appear denser than light to an observer who is more diffuse. Light will appear more diffuse than light to an observer who is denser than light. And to an observer who shares its density, is light … invisible?

I can see a length of pipe if I am wider than it. I can see a length of pipe if I am narrower than it. But can I see a length of pipe if my sight takes place along its length?

The observer effect—the way that which is observed can be altered by who is doing the observing—is famously evinced in the double-slit experiment. But I am interested in a very narrow application of it. The powers of hydrogen, or pH, is a hugely important variable in human health.

Are we able to perceive the powers of hydrogen accurately? Perhaps a slightly acidic brain will read water (~pH7) as more alkaline than it truly is. And a slightly alkaline brain will read water as falsely acidic. Could a misunderstanding of pH play a role in disease? I have seen a patent application for LSD “acid” to treat Alzheimer’s.

This model treats light qua light (light as light) as a length of pipe. When I share its density—its “width”—my movement is unrestricted. When I condense behind it by a full degree, I create a 2D plane in front of me, “sun”—a false ceiling. When I expand beyond it by a full degree, I create a 2D plane behind me, “moon”—a false floor. I condense behind light with the help of the magnetic force (iron). I expand beyond light with the help of the reverse-magnetic force (manganese).

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