“Hardware” vs. “Software”

Whenever I eat or drink or sit in light, I am not just providing my body with nutrients and hydration. I am providing my brain with information.

When I eat a diet very high in glycine (in bone broth, collagen, beans) I perceive the scale of the world as markedly smaller than when I eat a diet high in tryptophan (in turkey).

Glycine is the smallest amino acid. Tryptophan is the largest amino acid.

When I perceive the world as comprised of small particles, I make new blood that is small.

When I perceive the world as comprised of large particles, I make new blood that is large.

My brain, I am born with. My blood, I make new every 120 days. In a way, the blood is like “software” and the brain is like “hardware.” Of course my brain, too, is being made new; it’s just that its rate of turnover takes longer.

My mother has Alzheimer’s. Is she making new blood that is too large for her brain? There is research into the role of tryptophan metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease.

Glycine is the smallest amino acid. Glyphosate (“Roundup”), found in non-organic food, is a glycine analogue. Glyphosate gives the brain skewed information about scale. Glyphosate has been linked to numerous cancers. I do not touch the stuff and haven’t for years. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/aug/11/one-mans-suffering-exposed-monsantos-secrets-to-the-world

Here is an excerpt:

“Monsanto, which became a unit of Bayer AG in June, has spent decades convincing consumers, farmers, politicians and regulators to ignore mounting evidence linking its glyphosate-based herbicides to cancer and other health problems. The company has employed a range of tactics – some drawn from the same playbook used by the tobacco industry in defending the safety of cigarettes – to suppress and manipulate scientific literature, harass journalists and scientists who did not parrot the company’s propaganda, and arm-twist and collude with regulators. Indeed, one of Monsanto’s lead defense attorneys in the San Francisco case was George Lombardi, whose resumé boasts of his work defending big tobacco.”

Understanding the relative speeds of light and time has been the single most important variable in recovering my health. I give my brain information about scale every time I eat.

Luke 8:55 New King James Version (NKJV)
Then her spirit returned, and she arose immediately. And Jesus commanded that she be given something to eat.

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