ME/CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Who is the observer of my reality—could it be my pineal gland?

What if, when the pressure in the pineal gland is too high, the pressure in the rest of the body has to be too low (POTS, orthostatic intolerance)?

What if, when the pressure in the pineal gland is too low, the pressure in the rest of the body has to be too high (sensory hyper-stimulation)?

When the world (including the body) is being rendered as a projection, like the sun (ME/CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), the observer is too small and the pressure in the system is too high.

When the world (including the body) is being rendered as a shadow, like the moon (Autism), the observer is too large and the pressure in the system is too low.

When the world is a projection, it is like seeing the present from the past’s perspective. There is not enough redundancy.

When the world is a shadow, it is like seeing the present from the future’s perspective. There is too much redundancy.

If we think of the present as a 2D plane. When the point looks at it from below, we call it sun. When the mouth looks at it from above, we call it moon.

I think of the pineal gland as being like a consciousness pipe. If the pipe is too narrow, the world is too big for my information. If the pipe is too dilated, the world is too small for my information.

In me, the size of the RBCs is critical.

I need to scale with the pipe in order to move through it at the right speed. I need to be, approximately, the same width as the pipe. I need peripheral resistance, the way red blood cells need peripheral resistance. If they are too small, they move too swiftly. If they are too large, they move too slowly.

I want to branch into many worlds at the same rate at which time itself is branching. I don’t want many worlds to be condensing faster than I am moving through them (ASD). And I don’t want many worlds to be exploding faster than I am moving through them (ME/CFS).

I think this may be part of the reason that chemical fragrance—artificial fragrance chemically engineered to perdure—makes me sick. It is interfering with my brain’s ability to accurately gauge the rate at which time decays.

If my new red blood cells are too large, this traps me in a too-slow time signature (“wider than the pipe”). If my new red blood cells are too small, this traps me in a too-fast time signature (“narrower than the pipe”). Blood cell changes are part of what we are seeing with Long COVID.

From the Max Planck Center for Physics and Medicine and FAU:

In these holographic models, the world is light. But light is a plasma, a stem cell, a circumscribed set of possibilities. It isn’t the 1D point (“matter”). And it isn’t the 3D sphere (“energy”). It’s the 2D plane the point and the sphere share.

If we are seeing it from the perspective of the 1D point, the 2D plane looks like a projection. If we are seeing it from the perspective of the 3D sphere, the 2D plane looks like a shadow.

In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it is as if we are trapped in the past. In Autism, it is as if we are trapped in the future.

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