Am I a Towering Giant?

The following is from physicist Jim Pivarski of Fermilab:

“It is a well-established fact that the universe is expanding. It grows without center, like an inflating raisin cake, but an infinite raisin cake filling all of space in all directions. The raisins are the galaxies.

A problem I’ve had with this explanation is that if everything were to double in size—galaxies, houses, you and me, rulers—then we’d never notice. I might be a towering giant, but if the room is equally huge, I wouldn’t know. We can only see relative differences in sizes.”

We can see only relative differences in sizes.

One of my chief symptoms after living in a moldy house was drenching night sweats all night every night for two years (this was years before menopause). I wonder if I had two things going wrong at once. I was both sodium-toxic, and had a kind of global edema.

The two problems masked each other. If we could have taken some of the excess water out of me, we would have seen that I was sodium-toxic. If we could have taken some of the sodium out of me, we could have seen that I was hyper-tonic and retaining water throughout my entire body. What is a “flip” way of saying low blood volume? High volume of everything else.

Sculpture of a woman in bed: RL Leucart

I had adrenal exhaustion and difficulty modulating the amount of fluid in my body—problems regulating aldosterone and anti-diuretic hormone.

I think two things prevented my body from fixing itself. It is possible my pineal gland itself was too salty—and too watery. If this were the case, in addition to having sensory hyper-sensitivity, I would effectively be measuring the world with a ruler that was the wrong length.

I wonder, sometimes, if a cancerous cell is the same thing—sodium-toxic, and also too watery. It is not “to scale” with its environment.

Here, I write more about scale and perception as they may pertain to disease: “Holographic Universe Theory and Health and Disease.” If you click on my name at the top, you can read the whole series.

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