Arginine: High Arterial Pressure, Excess Vasodilation

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it.” —Albert Einstein

I recently was struggling with my health and found that transdermal olive oil (olive oil applied to the skin) helped me. It seemed to help excess salt leave the cell. The olive oil was providing an exit route, a medium via which intracellular sodium could exit.

Does our world have a medium?

We think of ourselves as matter, but does our matter exist within a context? In other words, if matter is the foreground image, could something else—light?—be the background?

In many ways, I am an outsider. I look at the mysteries of physics through a storyteller’s lens. Is my lens oversimplified? Probably. But sometimes having the eyes of an outsider can be an advantage.

What if light behaves differently depending on the relative density of the observer?

My central nervous system seems to be capable of getting caught in a feedback loop. It’s as if there’s a hidden variable at work in its understanding of the world: the speed of light.

When I give myself arginine, my CNS (central nervous system) has a powerful tool. Because it knows arginine can be used to increase the arterial blood pressure (via arginine-vasopressin), I can use it to vasodilate—to decrease the pressure. But arginine contributes to nitric oxide, and lately I sometimes feel I have too much. The looping aspect is the result of perception. I am not able to consume arginine without simultaneously telling my brain that my environment is high arginine.

Nitric oxide can cause vasodilation, and if I am too dilated, it can cause vertigo and orthostatic intolerance issues. This, then, makes me want to increase the arterial pressure (via arginine-vasopressin)—so I call for more arginine. And so the cycle repeats. Vasodilating, then increasing the arterial pressure, then vasodilating. It feels as if I am a rocket, trapped in an ascent.

Why am I trapped? I want to vasoconstrict—but I can’t, while the arterial pressure is too high. I want to decrease the arterial pressure—but I can’t, while I am too vasodilated.

It’s like an explosion, a fountain, where the pressure inside the fountain has to match the pressure outside the fountain.

I believe this was the heart of the dysfunction in my body after I lived in mold: I was in hypertensive crisis. But it was masked by a state of hyper-vasodilation. It was masked the way the surfeit pressure in a hose will be masked if the size of the hose is too wide. It was as if I was constantly chasing my own consciousness while under a state of mild general anesthesia. It was utterly exhausting.

I learned a lot about the potential role of the nitric oxide cycle in ME/CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) from Dr. Martin L. Pall.

More information on ME/CFS here:

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