Central to My Illness: The Perception of Water

To an observer with an acidic pH, adding water “waters me down” i.e. decreases density. This is the way we typically think of water.

But to an observer with an alkaline pH, i.e. a brain that is a tiny bit too alkaline, adding water might be seen, instead, as increasing density.

This is a novel concept, and one that is intuitively foreign.

To make an analogy. ICE thinks water is DIFFUSE (less dense than self). But STEAM think water is DENSE (more dense than self).

There is a question we have not thought to ask: What is the density of the water that is observing water’s density?

Maybe matter thinks light has speed. But energy thinks light has density.

When I had massive, chronic fatigue; loss of cognitive power; POTS; and systemic edema, I believe I had a brain that was slightly too alkaline.

A fault of the system: There is no separate observer. The brain that is doing the observing is part of the system it is observing. A brain that is too alkaline or too watery perhaps cannot perceive that the body is too alkaline or too watery.

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